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Esper's Years in Music .
Juliette is currently not directly involved in any music projects, so this is just for occasional remissing...
Her current venture
- REVIEW by Leigh Silberg,
"Juliette Esper has the heart of a gypsy as she pans over the terrain
of styles that lead to her present music expressions. Originally from
Estonia, Juliette has scanned the European horizon to find a safe haven
on the Emerald Isle.
- Where she goes from here only she truly knows.
Our guess is that the more she coalesces her divergent influences with
the many talented musicians & composers that she gravitates to,
Juliette Esper will always challenge her own limits, thereby transforming
her stylistic approach into a new found hybrid of musical revival, that
tips it’s hat to the past whilst leaning towards the ever present future
of melodic intimacy & eclectic creativity."
- J. Wagner, A&R STORYLINE
"I checked out a couple of
mp3's from this artists' site, and was simply
amazed at how incredibly talented she was. With her very passionate
and well-rehearsed vocals, Juliette Esper makes even your worst day
seem like a beautiful walk in the park during spring, when the new life
begins to take its shape and the weather is perfect outside. Sure this
sounds like a little too much to believe, but after hearing the angelic
voice of Juliette that's exactly how I felt."

photo by
Ian Slevin
to Juliette's mp3's